Involved in Cilantro Tasting
On Feb 21, 1:21*pm, "Jean B." > wrote:
> sf wrote:
> > On Fri, 20 Feb 2009 16:27:31 GMT, blake murphy
> > > wrote:
> >> cilantro doesn't taste like soap to me, but i don't particularly like the
> >> way it *does* taste. *i will pick it out of things if feasible, or ask that
> >> it be held.
> > It was an acquired taste for me... meaning I liked it in small
> > quantities at first, but as it grew on me I wanted more and more of
> > it.
> I started at none, then liked a microscopic amount, and now
> tolerate more than that--but I will NEVER use bunches at a time,
> as I see in some recipes.
I prefer no cilantro, but can still enjoy a salsa if it isn't too
heavy on the stuff. One thing I find is that the leaves are milder
and not bad tasting, but the stems are never a good thing. Try just
using the leaves, and throw out the stems.
> --
> Jean B.