In article >,
"Nancy Young" > wrote:
> Horry wrote:
> > On Fri, 20 Feb 2009 22:09:13 -0800, Dan Abel wrote:
> >> Massive teacher layoffs are predicted. Who's going to teach the
> >> kids? If money is cut by 5%, then more than 5% of the teachers need
> >> to be laid off, because it's strictly by seniority, and the teachers
> >> who get laid off are way down on the salary scale.
> >
> > Why is it strictly by seniority? Californian state law?
> Darn, that's a shame, they should be able to get rid of lowest
> performers, just like in business. Not get rid up upcoming
> talent.
Business? Have you ever tried to fire a warehouseman who belongs to the
Teamster's Union, just because they come to work drunk, wreck
merchandise and run the forklift off the dock? Think twice, *then* hire
a labor lawyer. If everything looks perfect, fire them and wait for the
court date. If everything goes well, they're fired, and you're just out
a few tens of thousands of dollars in legal fees. Don't count on
prevailing in court, though.
Dan Abel
Petaluma, California USA