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Dimitri Dimitri is offline
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Default That shiny new California state budget

"The Ranger" > wrote in message
> Ed Pawlowski > wrote in message
> ...
>> "sf" > wrote in message

>>>> A lot of money was wasted in school systems. The US is
>>>> #1 in spending, yet #10 in education. Why is that? Money
>>>> does not mean good education.
>>> Before you bash, look at where the money was spent.

>> I have. That is why I know there is waste. Much of it is in
>> the top heavy administration. There are a lot of things wrong
>> with the typical school system and it starts with parents that
>> are not interested enough to get involved.

> Which school district were you a member of the board with that allowed you
> to view salaries of the entire administration of that system? Which school
> were you a member of the school's site council reviewing where the
> budgetted money was being spent? Which school were you a volunteer at
> during the day, inside the classroom, seeing the "waste" you claim is
> there? Where does your state rank in spending on students? How many of the
> students in those top-heavy, non-parent backed schools have special
> education students being mainstreamed because the parents demanded it? How
> many aides are there in each school dedicated to 1:1 or 1:4 or 1:8
> student-assisted learning? Where are the public schools in your district
> ranked (state-wide)?

here you go:

Teachers and admin salaries;

LA Board of Education'

Back up 1 step.
