Rec: 15 Bean Soup & Smoked Ham
On 19 Feb, 21:45, "Bob Terwilliger" >
> Dan wrote:
> > Besides, my other experience is that adding acid, like tomatoes, slows
> > thecookingto a crawl. If I don't presoak or precook, we have crunchy
> >beans.
> That's my experience, too. If I made that recipe -- which does sound good to
> me -- I'd keep the tomatoes and lemon juice out of it until the last
> half-hour or so. And being a Son of the South, I'd serve it with cornbread.
If you use certain beans like Haricots, Pintos or Limas you have to
pre-cook these if you are going to be cooking them with anything
acidic in a recipe, otherwise it will take forever for them to soften.
I pre-cook mine first (in salt water), then once they are tender
enough add then to a recipe. So no need to add lemon or tomatoes in
the last 30 minutes. I'm assuming no pressure cooking is used here.