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T[_5_] T[_5_] is offline
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Posts: 720
Default The end of analog TV begins today!

In article >, davebugg2 says...
> "Andy" > wrote in message ...
> > There are also old (pre-cable) apartment buildings that can't be wired
> > with
> > cable so they need the digital converter. I hope they understand they will
> > still only get the 10 or so channels as before, not the entire cable
> > channel lineup. All the pitching about the digital converters avoid
> > mentioning that.

> There's a pretty good chance that the number of channels they recieve will
> actually increase. Many stations are using the digital bandwidth to provide
> multiple programming. Most PBS stations may offer 2, 3, 4 or more
> programming choices. So, instead of just over-the-air channel 9, there may
> be channels 9, 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, etc.

I noticed that. All the local stations offer two channels now and PBS
has 5 different feeds. It's really quite extraordinary.