Involved in Cilantro Tasting
On Feb 21, 6:50*pm, "Jean B." > wrote:
> James Silverton wrote:
> > Jean *wrote *on Sat, 21 Feb 2009 17:56:46 -0500:
> >> Bobo Bonobo® wrote:
> >>> I prefer no cilantro, but can still enjoy a salsa if it isn't
> >>> too heavy on the stuff. *One thing I find is that the leaves are
> >>> milder and not bad tasting, but the stems are never a
> >>> good thing. *Try just using the leaves, and throw out the
> >>> stems.
> >> .
> >> I can eat the stems--and I'd love to be able to get roots,
> >> since Thai cooking requires them. *I need to grow my own
> >> again.
> > Yes, the roots are useful but I don't know an ethnic grocery that can be
> > guaranteed to have them :-(
> I used to be able to find them at ethnic stores, but now they are
> chopped off there too.
It is reputed to be very easy to grow from seed, and I don't see any
reason why it wouldn't freeze well.
> --
> Jean B.