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Janet Bostwick[_2_] Janet Bostwick[_2_] is offline
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Default Aero Garden progress

Becca wrote:
> Omelet wrote:
>> I have to re-do my outdoor herb garden from scratch. The Mexican
>> Oregano is still alive as is the Dittany, but I have to find a new
>> Thyme plant etc. I had a rock wainscotting put around my house
>> earlier this year and my herbs were close to the house on the West
>> side. In order to put the limestone facing up, they had to dig and add
>> extra foundation to hold the weight. The contractor knew I wanted to
>> eventually stone fact the entire house over instead of just having
>> the current wainscotting so built the footing accordingly.
>> I had to dig up and pot the herbs on that side except for the MO as
>> that's a bush and could not be moved. It was forward enough, they
>> were able to work around it.
>> The Thyme did not survive potting. <sigh>
>> The Dittany did tho' which I'm glad of as that one is hard to find.
>> I'm going to rock in the herb bed and make it a bit deeper with some
>> new topsoil before replanting. Now I have to work around that
>> concrete... My rosemary died last summer so I had to replace that one
>> anyway. I've got Russian Sage coming back up from seed in a different
>> spot
>> in the yard, so that's taken care of. :-)

> My basil did not make it through the winter, but everything else looks
> good; parsley, chives, oregano, thyme, mint. Some of my lemongrass
> made it, some did not.
> Becca

Basil is an annual and needs to be re-planted every year. Parsley grows for
2 years and will die. It will grow tall and produce seeds early on this
season. You may want to plant some more parsley this year. After this year
(if you allow last year's parsley to go to seed and drop seeds) you can
count on parsley every year from self seeding.