Aero Garden progress
In article >, Becca >
> Omelet wrote:
> > I have to re-do my outdoor herb garden from scratch. The Mexican Oregano
> > is still alive as is the Dittany, but I have to find a new Thyme plant
> > etc. I had a rock wainscotting put around my house earlier this year
> > and my herbs were close to the house on the West side.
> >
> > In order to put the limestone facing up, they had to dig and add extra
> > foundation to hold the weight. The contractor knew I wanted to
> > eventually stone fact the entire house over instead of just having the
> > current wainscotting so built the footing accordingly.
> >
> > I had to dig up and pot the herbs on that side except for the MO as
> > that's a bush and could not be moved. It was forward enough, they were
> > able to work around it.
> >
> > The Thyme did not survive potting. <sigh>
> >
> > The Dittany did tho' which I'm glad of as that one is hard to find.
> > I'm going to rock in the herb bed and make it a bit deeper with some new
> > topsoil before replanting. Now I have to work around that concrete...
> >
> > My rosemary died last summer so I had to replace that one anyway. I've
> > got Russian Sage coming back up from seed in a different spot in the
> > yard, so that's taken care of. :-)
> >
> >
> My basil did not make it through the winter, but everything else looks
> good; parsley, chives, oregano, thyme, mint. Some of my lemongrass made
> it, some did not.
> Becca
Is Lemon grass really that useful? For lemon flavor any more, I just
use dried ground lemon peel.
Peace! Om
I find hope in the darkest of days, and focus in the brightest. I do not judge the universe. -- Dalai Lama