What Two Flavors go Best Together? + REC:
Omelet wrote:
> In article >,
> ChattyCathy > wrote:
>> pork and cilantro
> Argh! ;-)
Sorry, can't remember... is that because you are one of
The 'Cilantro-tastes-like-soap' Brigade (TINB)? Or because you just
don't fancy the combination of flavors?
For those who do, I have a stir-fry recipe that we call 'Coriander
(cilantro) Pork that I make fairly often. It also involves garlic <g>,
pineapple and chopped fresh mint. We love it.
Here's the recipe:
Title: Coriander (a.k.a. Cilantro) Pork
Servings: 4
Category: Main Dish
Cuisine: Thai
Source: My MIL
500g (approx. 1lb) pork tenderloin (we call it pork fillet)
1/4-1/2 medium pineapple
1 tablespoon oil (or slightly more if necessary)
4 cloves garlic, chopped
4 spring onions, chopped (green onions to those in the USA)
1 tablespoon fish sauce
1 tablespoon lime juice
1/2 cup fresh coriander leaves (or more, if you like coriander leaves)
1/4 cup chopped fresh mint
Cut the pork into thin slices
Skin the pineapple and cut the flesh into small pieces
Heat up the oil in a wok or skillet, (medium heat) add the garlic and
spring onions and cook for a minute or two until the garlic/onion
smells fragrant - don't let the garlic burn or it becomes bitter...
Remove from the wok and set aside.
Heat the wok/skillet to very hot (add a little more oil if you think
it's needed) then add the pork and stir-fry (in batches) for a couple
of minutes until the meat is just cooked.
Return the pork, garlic and onions to the wok/skillet and then add the
pineapple pieces, the fish sauce and the lime juice. Toss well.
Just before serving, sprinkle with the coriander/cilantro leaves and
chopped mint - toss again lightly.
Good with Basmati rice
Chatty Cathy