Figs dried or fresh?
PL wrote on Sun, 22 Feb 2009 18:24:12 +0000 (UTC):
>> Hello All!
>> I may have asked this before and, if so, I apologise but how
>> many people agree with me that dried figs are much superior
>> to fresh ones? I do know 2 or 3 people who agree with me.
> I like both.
> There is nothing like picking a fig off of a tree, carefully
> avoiding the milky white sap, and splitting that little sucker
> and slurping in the taste of sunshine!!!!
> I could stand at a fig tree all day and do it...... if'n the
> farmers didn't take sooooo many pot shots at me!!!
> Dried figs, soft or hard, are only best for cooking.
In other words, you don't agree with me :-)
James Silverton
Potomac, Maryland
Email, with obvious alterations: