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Steve Pope Steve Pope is offline
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Posts: 8,635
Default That shiny new California state budget

Gloria P > wrote:

> I can remember being warned to go to a school board meeting
> with a toothbrush and extra set of underwear in my purse because
> we had been warned we could go to jail if we refused to ratify
> a contract. That was the year my blood pressure went to 210/110.

> I ran for the school board as a child advocate. I left 4
> years later (due to an 1800 mile move for my husband's job)
> as a cynical veteran who despised both the teachers' union and
> the wealthy activists who only showed up at Town Meetings to
> defeat the budget, not caring what was in it.

You are to be admired for taking on such a role for four
entire years. I'd go nuts, and for the most part I'm happy
to blindly pay my tax money and let someone else operate
the system; putting yourself in the hot seat is a pretty
awesome thing to do.
