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hahabogus hahabogus is offline
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Default Who peels asparagus and why?

"brooklyn1" > wrote in
> "hahabogus" > wrote
>> I snap one then match up and chop off the rest of the stems.
>> --

> Yeah, but... they're all different. You waste a lot of tender parts
> that way. I cut off a minimal amount all at once, about 3/4". It
> really matters not if some still have a bit of tough end... I've never
> yet seen anyone eat whole asparagus from the root end... everyone eats
> asparagus head first. You'll know when when it gets too tough to
> swallow that last bit.

where I buy aparagus, they sell it in bundles. And in the bundles all the
asparagus is close to the same diameter. Therefore snaping one asparagus
to determine a reference to what's woody and what's not is close enough
for my house.

If by chance somebody gives me asparague, which happens now and then, I
snap each seperately as the diameter can vary greatly.

Woody bits just don't appeal to me, but work well in making soup stock.
And why would I expect a loved one or company to put up with woody
asparagus? I think that is just wrong and believe you should try your
best to please people you love and friends as well. And feeding them
substandard stuff you can easily fix just doesn't cut it in my books. And
speaks volumes about somebody who would.


The beet goes on -Alan