Some Stimulus Package
Gloria P wrote:
> islation. About damn time.
>> nb
> Are yu saying that California DOESN'T need immigrant labor to grow and
> pick fruit, vegetables, and th9ings like wine grapes?
I think the issue is more of legal migrant labor vs ILLEGAL alien labor.
> Believe it or not, many illegals do pay taxes if they work for a
> reputable employer and aren't paid in cash.
In order to do so, however, illegals have to forge and falsify documents,
which many times involves identity theft.
> And since they aren't
> legal, they can't claim refunds.
Which is ok with me. It has been demonstrated that ILLEGAL aliens (not legal
migrant laborers) are a negative drain on social services. As an aside, the
number of illegals has been drastically declining over the past 18 months
due to the influence of state laws, increased ICE activity, and public
backlash. The number of LEGAL migrants has been making up the deficit, and
has increased in the agricultural industries. American citizens are more and
more willing to become employed in the construction and other skilled manual
trades, which has been pushing out illegals by the droves and even replacing
the legals. A side effect of a tightened job market.
What is best in life? "To crush your enemies, see them driven before
you, and to hear the lamentation of the women." -- Conan