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Bob Terwilliger[_1_] Bob Terwilliger[_1_] is offline
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Posts: 11,044
Default Dinner last night 21Feb

Peter wrote:

>>> As it seems to be about the only food related subject on here of late,
>>> you're probably not used to actually talking about, or looking at,
>>> food.

>> Those must be some mighty powerful filters you're using, to have missed
>> the absolute FLOOD of food-related posts in the last week. Either that
>> or you're just so stupid that you've forgotten about them already.

> It seems you're the one who's too stupid for your own good.

Ah, way to admit that you were caught in a lie when you claimed your post
was "about the only food related subject on here of late." That WAS a lie,
wasn't it? (That was a rhetorical question, because everyone who reads this
group can SEE that it was a lie.)

> It was a totally food related post, and you joined in with the trolls in a
> bitchfest about it.

The "trolls" you decry were not the ones laughing at your dinner. I mean,
Mr. Bill and I don't exactly see eye-to-eye, but he's not a troll. Neither
is blake. The funny thing is that when one of your "trolls" stood up to
defend you, you promptly bashed him.

As I wrote earlier, I'm sure your meal was palatable enough. If I were in a
Sudanese prison or on a Tajikistan Airlines flight, I'd probably accept it
as adequate fodder. But when you post here BRAGGING about such sub-mediocre
fare, OF COURSE you're going to be ridiculed for it, and rightly so!

Now build a bridge and get over it, there's a good lad.
