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MaryL MaryL is offline
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Posts: 427
Default Recipe: Rhubarb Pie

"Wayne Boatwright" > wrote in message
> On Mon 23 Feb 2009 06:02:01a, jmcquown told us...
>> "Wayne Boatwright" > wrote in message
>> 5.250...
>>> On Mon 23 Feb 2009 05:38:27a, jmcquown told us...
>>>> This is typical of Grandma McQuown's recipes. She just assumed you
>>>> knew what to do with the ingredients
>>>> Rhubarb Pie
>>>> 4 cups rhubarb
>>>> 4 Tbs. flour
>>>> 1-1/2 c. sugar
>>>> 1/2 tsp. salt
>>>> 1 Tbs. melted butter
>>>> Makes a 9 inch pie
>>>> Jill
>>> Your grandmother, like any competent baker, *would* know what to do
>>> with the ingredients. Lots of times I just jot down the ingredients of
>>> a recipe that someone mentions. Putting it togther is logic and
>>> experience unless it's an extremely complicated recipe. :-)
>>> I love rhubarb pie!
>>> --
>>> Wayne Boatwright

>> True enough! I'm definitely not a baker, although I've made homemade
>> bread using her recipe (not for years!). Notice she assumed you've
>> already prepared and rolled out a pie crust
>> Jill

> That would be the same assumption that both my grandmothers and my mother
> would have made. I think their logic was, if it's a pie it has a crust,
> so
> make one. :-)
> --
> Wayne Boatwright
> "One man's meat is another man's poison"
> - Oswald Dykes, English writer, 1709.

My grandmother -- who made great cakes and pies, including rhubarb -- was
even less precise than that. She would say to add "a handful of this," "a
pinch of that," etc.
