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Emery Davis[_2_] Emery Davis[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 156
Default Question to Ian Hoare

Nils Gustaf Lindgren wrote:
>> My French is terrible, but wouldn't it be something like bloc de foie
>> de poulet reconstitu? Chopped liver ain't duck, buddy!

> I tink Mike refers to the various quality levels concerning foie gras de
> canard - if it is a whole piece of liver or what. If I remeber correctly,
> bloc de foie gras is various pieces of leftover duck liver pressed into a
> block, or, more likely, can.

Your tripping over old American idiom: "It ain't chopped liver" meaning
it's nothing to be taken lightly. (I almost said trifled with, but
that's another food reference I guess!)

> I may be wrong though, after the article in Decanter we no longer partake of
> foie gras de canard.

OK, I'll bite, and on the foie gras too. Do you still partake of the
Goose version? What's the trouble with duck?

We buy only local foie gras (and not that often at that) as Normandie is
the second foie gras region of France. Although in general the quality
is perhaps not up to the south west, there are some good farms.
Occasionally we have a duck or goose from said farms, though our birds
for that sort of purpose usually come from different farmers.
