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Kathleen[_4_] Kathleen[_4_] is offline
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Default Dandelion leaves

Omelet wrote:

> In article >,
> (Steve Pope) wrote:
>>Young, chemical-free dandelion leaves should be fine. I like
>>them sauteed in evoo, with a dash of sea salt, and a splash
>>of white vinegar and a few grinds of the pepper mill.
>>When they're reduced down by half and tender they are ready
>>to munch down.

> Ok, that sounds good. I have a lot of very young plants coming up at
> the moment and eating them raw did not appeal, thanks!

We've got dandelion's coming up now. However, no way would I eat
anything from our back lawn, not with three dogs running around back
there, and not after a long, cold winter, with accumulated frozen waste
only just now thawing out and leaching away. The solids are removed and
disposed of routinely but the liquids remain. That's part of the reason
for springtime distemper and parvo epidemics.

Ngah... Ew!