Some Stimulus Package
On Mon, 23 Feb 2009 15:32:41 -0800, Dave Bugg wrote:
> Gloria P wrote:
>> islation. About damn time.
>>> nb
>> Are yu saying that California DOESN'T need immigrant labor to grow and
>> pick fruit, vegetables, and th9ings like wine grapes?
> I think the issue is more of legal migrant labor vs ILLEGAL alien labor.
>> Believe it or not, many illegals do pay taxes if they work for a
>> reputable employer and aren't paid in cash.
> In order to do so, however, illegals have to forge and falsify documents,
> which many times involves identity theft.
>> And since they aren't
>> legal, they can't claim refunds.
> Which is ok with me. It has been demonstrated that ILLEGAL aliens (not legal
> migrant laborers) are a negative drain on social services.
i think i would like to see a cite on that. it is widely bandied about,
but i don't think it has been demonstrated. cheap labor usually provides
benefits to *somebody*.
>As an aside, the
> number of illegals has been drastically declining over the past 18 months
> due to the influence of state laws, increased ICE activity, and public
> backlash. The number of LEGAL migrants has been making up the deficit, and
> has increased in the agricultural industries. American citizens are more and
> more willing to become employed in the construction and other skilled manual
> trades, which has been pushing out illegals by the droves and even replacing
> the legals. A side effect of a tightened job market.
i would also like to see a cite for that. how many american citizens do
you think are out there picking lettuce?
your pal,