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brooklyn1 brooklyn1 is offline
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Default dead crockpot and question

"l, not -l" > wrote in message ...
> On 24-Feb-2009, "Phyllis Stone" > wrote:
>> My Hamilton Beach 30+ year old crockpot just croaked. The plastic
>> platform
>> that held it cracked apart. It has been a good one. I had just filled it
>> with chicken thighs to cook for my dog. I threw the actual working parts
>> away but it has this crock part that is about 6 in. deep with a lid. Is
>> there anything that I could use this for?

> If it's like my old slow cooker (Crock PotŪ is a brand, slow cooker is an
> appliance type), a crockery pot that sits on a separate heating element,
> you
> could use it on top of a hot-plate. One inexpensive example is the
> Proctor
> Silex Fifth Burner (about $15 at Amazon or Fifth
> Burner has three heat settings, low, medium and high; to figure out which
> setting to use, fill the crock half full of cold water and check water
> temp
> after 30 minutes at each setting. For slow cooking, 160F equals
> slow-cooker low, 200-209F equals slow-cooker high.

That's not going to work, at least not like a slow cooker, the crock needs
to be enclosed by it's housing so that the heat is equally distributed
around the entire crock, that's why they're made teh way they are, otehrwise
no one would by a slow cooker when all they need to is place a covered
caserole on a stovetop... and the instructions that came with mine say NOT
to heat the crock on a stovetop, gas or electric. Slow cookers are
inexpensive, rather than risk a horrific mess I'd buy a new one.