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Michael O'Connor Michael O'Connor is offline
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Posts: 221
Default dead crockpot and question

> That's not going to work, at least not like a slow cooker, the crock needs
> to be enclosed by it's housing so that the heat is equally distributed
> around the entire crock, that's why they're made teh way they are, otehrwise
> no one would by a slow cooker when all they need to is place a covered
> caserole on a stovetop... and the instructions that came with mine say NOT
> to heat the crock on a stovetop, gas or electric. *Slow cookers are
> inexpensive, rather than risk a horrific mess I'd buy a new one.

I have one of those also; I much prefer those to the newer types of
crock pots. What I like about those is that you can easily put the
cooking pot and lid easily into a refrigerator to store leftovers. If
my Hamilton Beach broke I would go to the local Goodwill type stores
and find another one for next to nothing. As far as the metal cooking
pot and glass lid, I would keep them for pouring the new crock pot
contents into to store in the fridge.