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PeterLucas[_16_] PeterLucas[_16_] is offline
external usenet poster
Posts: 66
Default OT Dinner last night 21Feb

Damsel in dis Dress > wrote in

> On Wed, 25 Feb 2009 09:50:49 +0900, phil-c >
> wrote:
>>Phil-c is NOT a troll

> I agree. Phil posts about a lot of food-related topics, and is
> basically a very pleasant guy. Phil, it's possible that I could have
> missed something, but I've never seen you attacking anyone or starting
> trouble.
> Carol

'phil-c' *is* pits/spamlister/tired-pits/pits09, you moron.

It is the original stalker/troll that went back to ozdebate and brought
kirkland and 'hey-zues' back with it. It is the one 'person' who *started*
all the trolling and stalking in rfc.

But that has been explained to you, and shown to you, before.

How is it that you can't seem to understand it?

Don't bother answering, I've put you back in the idiot bin. If you're
stupid enough to believe 'pits' isn't a troll/stalker, you're stupid
enough to stay in the idiot bin with them.

Peter Lucas

Killfile all Google Groups posters.........