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maxine maxine is offline
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Default Stock in Cartons

On Feb 24, 7:32*pm, Damsel in dis Dress >
> I went grocery shopping today and noticed, for the first time (stuff's
> probably been around for awhile) Swanson's or Campbell's chicken and
> beef stock in cartons. *Right next to those were Rachael Ray's stocks.
> Rachael's are about 2/3 the price of the other ones. *Has anyone tried
> both? *Or either?
> What sayest thou?
> Carol

I can't speak for Ray, Swanson, or Campbell, but I've tried the
Pacific brand and Trader Joe's and they leave much to be desired.
Consumer Reports (which I know some folks around here do not like)
gave the canned stocks a mediocre to poor rating.

If you've used the store-bought stuff before and liked it, I'd buy a
carton and try it. The worst that will happen is you'll season the
heck out of it to make it palatable, and not buy it again.

maxine in ri