Thread: Holy Guacamole
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Default Holy Guacamole

On Tue, 24 Feb 2009 20:55:31 -0600, Omelet >
shouted from the highest rooftop:

>In article >,
> Serene Vannoy > wrote:
>> LeoS wrote:
>> > I like Trader Joe's guacamole just fine.

>> It's way too salty for me, but I'm more sensitive to salt than average,
>> I think.
>> Serene

>I feel you there Serene! A LOT of pre-prepared items from the store
>(and local restaurants) are way too salty for me.
>I can't even eat luncheon meats anymore, and some cheeses are too salty

Our favourite Indian restaurant in town prepares the food for their
little takeaway outlet in the next door foodhall where we sometimes
grab a quick lunch.

On Monday my wife had their chicken tikka masala and I had their mango
chicken (which was delicious as usual). But being a bit of a pig who
rather see food go to waist than waste - I took up her offer to finish
off her chicken and was very disappointed.

It was far too "salt" for my taste and overpowered the spices. Then my
wife adds extra salt to almost everything once it's served, so she
didn't notice. But I rarely add extra salt at the table. I'll stick to
the mango chicken or chicken korma next time.

And, yes, I know they're dishes made for a wussy Western palate and
not traditional Indian dishes like many the restaurant serves. But
they taste wonderful, and despite trying the more trad dishes from
time to time, I keep coming back to the mango chicken and chicken
korma ...


una cerveza mas por favor ...

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Wax-up and drop-in of Surfing's Golden Years: <>
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