Thread: Holy Guacamole
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PeterLucas[_16_] PeterLucas[_16_] is offline
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Default Holy Guacamole

bob > wrote in

> On Wed, 25 Feb 2009 03:31:38 +0000 (UTC), PeterLucas
> > shouted from the highest rooftop:
>>Omelet > wrote in newsmpomelet-

>>> I can't even eat luncheon meats anymore, and some cheeses are too

>>> too.

>>Bummer!! Don't know how you'd go with some Blue Cheese.
>>I used a Blue Brie to make Nigella’s (Lawson) Roquemole
>>1 cup crumbled Roquefort or Saint Agur blue cheese
>>1/4 cup sour cream
>>2 ripe avocados
>>1/4 cup sliced pickled green jalapeños from a jar
>>2 tablespoons finely sliced scallions (spring onions)
>>1/4 teaspoon paprika
>>large bag of blue corn tortilla chips
>>1. Crumble or mash the blue cheese with the sour cream in a bowl.
>>2. Mash in the avocados. If they are ripe, a fork should be all you

>>3. Roughly chop the sliced jalapeños and stir them into the mixture

>>with the finely sliced scallions.
>>4. Arrange in the center of a plate or dish, dust with paprika, and
>>surround with tortilla chips. Dive in.

> That's one I am definetely going to try. The problems will be to share
> it once it's made ...

Yes, it was *very* moorish :-)

The Blue Brie I used probably softened the original flavour of the above
recipe, but for us, it was just nice.

The jalapeños really shone through :-)

The leftovers we used as a spread on sandwiches, instead of butter.

I made double the recipe, because I had to make a seperate (little) dish
for a good friend of ours who was at the party, who is very 'spicy/hot'
intolerant..... but loves both blue cheese and avocados.

So hers was minus the jalapeños.

Peter Lucas

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