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Tracy[_2_] Tracy[_2_] is offline
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Default Greek and/or mediterranean inspired dishes?

sf wrote:
> On Tue, 24 Feb 2009 19:02:17 +0000 (UTC),
> (Steve Pope) wrote:
>> sf > wrote:
>>> On Tue, 24 Feb 2009 05:01:52 +0000 (UTC),

>>>> Very easy: cous-cous with preserved lemon, and any other
>>>> ingredients (spring onions, leeks, tofu, garbanzo beans,
>>>> carrots...). And a dollop of harissa on top. The preserved
>>>> lemon is important.
>>> I *need* to try preserving lemons...

>> It's pretty easy. All you need is lemons, salt, and a jar.
>> My sweetie makes these from Paula Wolfert's recipe:

> Thanks!
> I have a question about the juice required for the lemons.... why not
> just juice the lemons you're using and use that? Isn't what you're
> really using in the end the rind of the lemons? Also, do you save the
> leftover salty lemon juice for making the next batch of preserved
> lemons?

You don't squeeze the lemons that you are preserving you just cut them
and stuff them with salt. You need additional lemons to squeeze for
juice to fill the jar up,which is why I used bottled. The cheapest I
find lemons is three for one dollar but most of the time they are 75
cents each. Meyer lemons are very seasonal. Those are usually sold by
the pound if you can find them.

I have reused the brine. But it gets kind of icky so I would only reuse
once then start over again. As a matter of fact, I had just one lemon
left my current jar when I found Meyers at the local produce market so I
just cut, salted and threw them in. I put the "done" lemon on top so I
could reach it easily.
