Cleaning a Really, Really Burned Pan
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Damsel in dis Dress[_6_]
external usenet poster
Posts: 1,191
Cleaning a Really, Really Burned Pan
On Wed, 25 Feb 2009 15:35:31 +0000 (UTC),
(Steve Pope) wrote:
>Damsel in dis Dress > wrote:
>>What's the best (easiest) way to get the burn stains out of the pan?
>>Oven cleaner, maybe? We're dealing with stainless steel Revere Ware
>>with a copper bottom, if that helps.
>My algorithm is as follows: using detergent, if I cannot clean it with
>a dish sponge, I try cleaning it with a Tuffy (that being the name
>brand for a scrubber made from a jumble of yellow and orange plastic
>strands); if that does not work by itself, I use a nearly-dry
>slurry of coarse salt, which usually works. Sometimes it takes
>several go's at it with soaking in between.
>I will do the above for either stainless steel or enameled cast iron.
>However with stainless steel another option is steel wool.
>I would never, ever use oven cleaner.
>Just my opinion.
Thank you much. We have all of the above, and I'll scratch the idea
of oven cleaner. We have a 21 year old male who lives with us and I'm
sure will LOVE scouring that pan out. LOL!
Thanks again,
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