Some Stimulus Package
On Tue, 24 Feb 2009 14:17:11 -0600, Gregory Morrow wrote:
> blake murphy wrote:
>> On Mon, 23 Feb 2009 15:32:41 -0800, Dave Bugg wrote:
>>> Gloria P wrote:
>>>> islation. About damn time.
>>>>> nb
>>>> Are yu saying that California DOESN'T need immigrant labor to grow and
>>>> pick fruit, vegetables, and th9ings like wine grapes?
>>> I think the issue is more of legal migrant labor vs ILLEGAL alien labor.
>>>> Believe it or not, many illegals do pay taxes if they work for a
>>>> reputable employer and aren't paid in cash.
>>> In order to do so, however, illegals have to forge and falsify
> documents,
>>> which many times involves identity theft.
>>>> And since they aren't
>>>> legal, they can't claim refunds.
>>> Which is ok with me. It has been demonstrated that ILLEGAL aliens (not
> legal
>>> migrant laborers) are a negative drain on social services.
>> i think i would like to see a cite on that. it is widely bandied about,
>> but i don't think it has been demonstrated. cheap labor usually provides
>> benefits to *somebody*.
> Why do you think states like Kalifornia are dead broke, blake? Illegals
> are a HUGE drain on the social welfare spending (schools, hospitals, etc.)
> of many states...not to mention ballooning law enforcement costs, the costs
> to build new prisons, etc.
illegal immigrants cannot collect welfare. they must be treated in
emergency rooms, that much is true, along with all the citizens who don't
have health insurance. and i doubt there's much of an illegal immigration
population in jails, since they would be deported.
> My backwoods rural home county in Western Illannoy is planning to build a
> new jail. The old one is only 25 years old, but they are getting funding to
> buy a new one to hold well over 100 prisoners (the county only has 16,000
> peeps in total). Where will these prisoners come from?
see above.