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Zeppo[_1_] Zeppo[_1_] is offline
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Default Cleaning a Really, Really Burned Pan

"Damsel in dis Dress" > wrote in message
>I can barely see my monitor through the smoke. LOL!
> I turned a burner on to heat water for tea a little while ago. After
> a few minutes, I noticed a burned smell, but chalked it up to the oven
> being on for heat.
> Then the smell got very strong. Shit! I had turned the burner on
> under the rice leftover from last night's dinner. Thankfully, the lid
> was on the pan, because the rice was on fire.
> Took the pan outside to cool, and to reduce the amount of smoke in the
> house. Brought it back in, and man, is it black inside that thing!
> What's the best (easiest) way to get the burn stains out of the pan?
> Oven cleaner, maybe? We're dealing with stainless steel Revere Ware
> with a copper bottom, if that helps.
> Carol

One thing that works really well on this type of burned on stuff is Hopps #9
gun cleaner. You should be able to pick it up at any place that sells
hunting and shooting supplies. Get most of the crud out as best you can and
use the hopps to get the burned-on carbon layer that's left.

I used to use it to get spent rocket fuel off the insides of engine casings
when I flew amateur rockets. Sometimes the stuff it took of would be pretty
amazing. Oh, yeah, it works real well on guns, too. Try to use it outside if
you can as the smell is pretty bad.

Hope this helps,