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Ophelia[_1_] Ophelia[_1_] is offline
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Default Are you all scum?

Dave Smith wrote:
> Except that the people in Ireland are mostly transplants of the
> origins as the British who settled there but then got tangled up in
> the Catholic- Protestant crap. There was a democratic settlement to
> the problem with Ireland, with the people in the north voting
> overwhelmingly to stay with the UK, so it was partitioned. The
> terrorists in Northern Ireland were well funded by various Irish
> American groups.
> It was not political persecution that sent so many Irish to the US. It
> was poverty and starvation. They went in great numbers to the US where
> land was cheap. They also migrated in great numbers to England, and to
> Canada and Australia, all British at the time. Lucky for the Irish
> that they always had England to blame for their problems.
> And FWIW, my great great grandfather was Irish Catholic, and he left
> Ireland for Canada, not because of British oppression but because he
> was so disgusted with the Church that he left the priesthood and a
> country where he thought the church had way to much influence, all
> negative.

Nice post Dave. I doubt if littleshoes has enough brains to have worked
that one out.