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Damsel in dis Dress[_6_] Damsel in dis Dress[_6_] is offline
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Default PING Damsel RE Crash

On Wed, 25 Feb 2009 10:32:48 -0700, Gloria P >

>Is he home? Is he walking?
>How is the recuperation going?
>Inquiring minds want to know.

He got home around 6 on Monday night.

************************************************** *********************
Hospital story:
He was in a wheelchair, at the pharmacy, to pick up a couple of
prescriptions. They asked for $4.31. Well, he had been picked up by
an ambulance, so he had no money. A familiar voice behind him asked
how much they needed, and he paid for the prescriptions. Crash said,
"Thanks, Vern!"

It was Vern Gagne (the wrestler)! They both had rides arriving at
about the same time, so Gagne pushed Crash's wheelchair to the front
door, and they had a little chat.

Crash used to attend almost all of the weekly tapings of Gagne's
wrestling show back in the day.

Crash was happy to meet one of his heroes, and Gagne enjoyed being
recognized and appreciated. Way cool!
************************************************** *********************

Crash is dong very well. He walks without his walker for the short
distances between his computer and his bed, commode, and the kitchen.
For further distances, he'll need the walker.

He has an appointment in about 3 weeks to see the surgeon for a

He is in terrific spirits, and is so glad to be back home!

(You should join Facebook - I'm posting about everything there)

Thanks for inquiring, Lady Gloria!

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