Joseph Littleshoes > wrote in news:49A5A594.3080900
> phil-c wrote:
> P.s. phil-c, your name is a typo just waiting to happen
my spell
> checker wants to change it to 'phallic'
Well, your spellchecker got it right. It *is* a prick.
You're replying to and feeding one of those scummy troll/stalkers, JL.
'phil-c' is 'pits', 'nemisis' (LOL!!), tired-pits, pits09, and spamlister
to name a few.
It's the pathetic scummy prick that went crying back to ozdebate and
dragged the other two scum back here that are continuing to do the
stalking/trolling...... while this sorry excuse of a bald headed,
semiliterate piece of shit is sitting back making like it's totally
innocent and not involved in any way.
It is an out and out troll and stalker.
You'd be best to just killfile it...... or totally ignore it.
Peter Lucas
Killfile all Google Groups posters.........