Some Stimulus Package
On Wed, 25 Feb 2009 13:38:26 -0600, Dymphna wrote:
> blake murphy;2819654 Wrote:
>> On Tue, 24 Feb 2009 21:36:57 -0500, Mort Adella wrote:
>>> "blake murphy" <blakepmNOTTHIS@> wrote in message
>>>> well, the illegals using a fake social security number are paying
>> that and
>>>> f.i.c.a. taxes that they will never recover. so there is that.
>>>> your pal,
>>>> blake
>>> Good. It makes up for some of the other services they are stealing
>> that
>>> they don't pay taxes for.
>> what services that they aren't paying for? if their taxes are being
>> withheld, they don't see that money again.
>> blake
> Most work under the table. No taxes and they are getting all kinds of
> government assistance.
not federal assistance. that means no food stamps. what they get from the
individual states i don't know, but since most state programs piggy-back on
the feds i would guess not much. and i can't see undocumented workers
applying for any kind of unemployment insurance.