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notbob notbob is offline
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Default speaking of pressure cooking

On 2009-02-26, Tracy > wrote:
> I have been trying to convince him that we should get a new one but he
> refuses saying that ours is the best. My Moroccan SsIL agree with him.

Older p/c's typically had only one over-pressure safety device. The better
newer models usually have three.

> The thing is, when I use it the water completely disappears. I recently
> did a chuck roast and checked after 25 minutes and the water was almost
> all gone and the meat was about to burn.I caught it in time. I had put
> water in the pot with the meat - not a lot - maybe a cup. Is it supposed
> to do that?

Yes. Even the newer models will lose liquid, but if they are used properly,
almost none. I ran my K-R dry, once. It was too hot and the secondary
overpressure valve was venting continually. If I'd set the temp correctly,
it probably wouldn't have. Old pressure cookers, specially the rocking
weight cookers, are designed to vent steam and therefore lose liquid. Newer
one's, less so.
