Thread: Cabbage pie
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bulka[_2_] bulka[_2_] is offline
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Default Cabbage pie

I've probably posted this here before, but, being Lent and all . . .

I'm making this Friday. Between this and the fish, which is the side


Your favorite basic pie crust

A couple of rashers, (or maybe not for lent) diced and fried.

Most of a head of cabbage, shredded. With onion and garlic; cumin,
caraway, dill - whatever you like. Sauted until wilty. Mix in some
cornstarch. You could do some apple in here if you are in that mood.

A layer of cabbage into the crust.

A layer of cottage cheese. Dry curd if you can get it, or drain the
regular stuff.

Some halved hard boiled eggs

The rest of the cabbage

Top crust.

350 - 400 for, what, about half an hour? Until it is done.

This is good hot, cold or room temp. Used to be my favorite pot-
luck. Serve with sour cream, apple sauce, horseradish.

Can you guess why the folks at r.f.recipies and I don't get along?
