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Janet Bostwick[_2_] Janet Bostwick[_2_] is offline
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Default speaking of pressure cooking

George Shirley wrote:
> Janet Bostwick wrote:
>> Tracy wrote:
>>> Christine Dabney wrote:
>>>> On Thu, 26 Feb 2009 16:05:29 -0500, Tracy > wrote:
>>>>> It is definitely putting out a lot of steam. I guess I just have
>>>>> to check whatever I am cooking every 25 minutes or so, until he
>>>>> caves and buys me a new one.
>>>>> -Tracy
>>>> With my new pressure cooker, if it is putting out a lot of steam,
>>>> it means the heat is too high. When I turn it down, it slows down
>>>> and just becomes a very gentle stream.
>>>> Have you tried turning down the heat?
>>>> Christine
>>> I think I might have the heat up too high. I just remember my mother
>>> using a pressure cooker and I remember the whistly thingy - yes, I
>>> know, I highly technical term - going like crazy. So, you are
>>> saying, it is fine if it is just barely whistling/jiggling?
>>> -Tracy

>> The instructions with my ancient pressure cooker say the the jiggly
>> thingy is supposed to jiggle just a couple of times per minute. Otherwise
>> you are blowing all your pot liquid out the whistle thingy
>> in the form of escaping steam. The whistle/jiggler are designed to
>> release pressure (steam) when the pressure inside the pan exceeds
>> the pressure they were designed to maintain. If you have steam
>> escaping constantly, it means that the pressure is constantly above
>> that limit, requiring the whistle to release pressure. HTH
>> Janet

> I just love it when y'all talk technical. LOL

LOL -- I'm glad that you have picked up on some highly technical terms. If
you use them in a sentence three times today, they will be yours forever.