On Fri 27 Feb 2009 07:08:42a, Jean B. told us...
> Wayne Boatwright wrote:
>> On Wed 25 Feb 2009 11:36:46p, hahabogus told us...
>>> Melba's Jammin' > wrote in
>>> :
>>>> In article >, Tracy >
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> These look very cool. I might have to buy these the next time I am at
>>>>> the mall.....
>>>>> http://tinyurl.com/cz8tyo
>>>>> -Tracy
>>>>> (I don't work for Williams Sonoma!) Nice. But $25 is pretty steep, I
>>>>> think.
>>> no thanks I'll stick with the pyrex jobies I have...they have spouts.
>> I wish either Pyrex or Anchor Hocking would bring back the cups with the
>> loop handles. I hate the current style of handle and find them hard to
>> hold.
> OTOH, the current handles make them nestable.
That's true, but I have no need to nest them.
Wayne Boatwright
"One man's meat is another man's poison"
- Oswald Dykes, English writer, 1709.