Thread: Ping: Wayne
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Janet Wilder[_3_] Janet Wilder[_3_] is offline
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Posts: 325
Default Ping: Wayne

George Shirley wrote:

> Shortening the tale of diabetes, try more whole grains and see how DH
> reacts.

DH can do potatoes in moderation. Whole grain-high fiber bread, too. He
manages beans well, too. Other high-fiber grains in small amounts like
barley or quinoa work, but even brown rice spikes him. He seems to have
lost the ability to manage Dreamfield's pasta recently. Even a one-ounce
dry portion is too much. Whole wheat and "high-fiber" pasta (which
really isn't very high in fiber) don't work either.

I am yet to meet a diabetic that does not spike on white rice. That's
why I was so amazed by the post looking for a sugar-free rice pudding
recipe with sticky rice which is higher in carbs than regular white
rice. My DH would tolerate the table sugar better than the rice <g>