Andy wrote:
>>On Fri 27 Feb 2009 05:34:09a, Christine Dabney told us...
>>>Christine, looking to return HOME.
>>Actually, Christine, I was just kidding you. Remember HOME is where the
>>heart is. Your's apparently lies in California. I hope you reach your
And its not Tony Bennet's San Francisco anymore
"If your going to San Francisco...."
> As my roulette buddy Tony Bennett sang so well, "I left my heart... and my
> wallet in San Francisco!"
> Seriously though we did gamble together at roulette once. Had the roulette
> table to ourselves for about 1/2 hour. He taught me how to correctly tip
> the croupier when I won.
> He jovially punched me in the shoulder as he was leaving. We wished each
> other well and he left.
> The croupier asked me if I knew who the man was and I shrugged and said no.
> He told me "that was Tony Bennett!"
> I thought with some surprise, Tony Bennett taught me how to play roulette?!
> Resorts Casino, Atlantic City
> Sorry for being so long winded. Fun experience.
> Andy