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Wayne Boatwright[_4_] Wayne Boatwright[_4_] is offline
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Default Ping: Wayne

On Fri 27 Feb 2009 01:19:27p, George Shirley told us...

> Janet Wilder wrote:
>> biig wrote:
>>> My question probably showed up in the thread about stock in cartons,
>>> but it didn't show on my puter. I had asked if you had a good recipe
>>> for stove top rice pudding using artificial sweetener. I bought some
>>> 'sticky rice' today and would like to try it....thanks....Sharon, also
>>> type 2

>> Can you eat rice? Especially high-carb sticky rice? That is very
>> impressive!
>> Most T2s I know spike something awful on rice. My DH has been T2 for
>> well over 20 years and is now on the pump so he can experiment a little
>> more with carbs, but we still avoid rice at all cost. I don't even put
>> any into stuffed cabbage or stuffed peppers.

> According to some doctors there are about 200 different types of T2
> diabetics. I can eat brown rice without a spike in blood glucose, not so
> with white rice, about a half cup of that and within two hours my BG's
> are well above normal.

I knew there were some differences, but I had no idea there were 200 types.
Wow! I don't eat a lot of brown rice, but I do like it, especially if it's
incorporated into another dish. I do get a spike when I eat white rice,
but after two hours by BG is normal. I have my A1C checked quarterly and
it always averages 5.1-5.2.

> I've been Type 2 since 1994, diagnosed, and probably another three or
> four years before that by symptoms. I've found that a moderate amount of
> whole grain carbs doesn't disturb me to much but white bread, white
> rice, will. I can even eat Irish potatoes in moderation, ie, half a
> baked potato or a half cup of fries, doesn't do me much damage.

I was diagnosed in 2003, but by symtoms I think it started three or fours
years before that, too. I don't eat white bread unless it's homemade,
which isn't often. In fact, I don't eat a lot of bread.

> I'm shooting 38 units of Lantus in the morning and then Novolog at
> breakfast - 5 units, lunch - 8 units, dinner - 5 units. Doing that for
> about two years now and my A1C's are in the normal to below normal range
> all the time.

I only take oral meds, metformin and glyburide. David is also taking both
of those but was just recently put on Lantus and we're still adjusting
dosage. Right now he's at 20 units in the evening. I suspect, based on
BG's that it will increase to 30 or more. He's not on any short-acting
insullin at this point.

> Shortening the tale of diabetes, try more whole grains and see how DH
> reacts.

I can tell you how he'd react. He wouldn't eat it! Fussiest eater I've
ever encountered. It's a pity, really. He misses out on a lot of really
great food, and some of the things he particularly likes is not really good
for his diabetes.

Wayne Boatwright

"One man's meat is another man's poison"
- Oswald Dykes, English writer, 1709.