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Melba's Jammin' Melba's Jammin' is offline
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Default I made tomato chutney! (and tonight's dinner)

In article >,
Kajikit > wrote:

> On Fri, 27 Feb 2009 11:11:28 +0900, phil-c >
> wrote:
> >here is the new modern stuff

> >

Yikes! Those are expensive!! I do most of my processing in a tall
stockpot. I can do two layers of jars at a time, depending on the
height of the jars. Most of my preserving is in half-pint (250 ml) jars.

> Yeah... you can sterilise them with boiling water... either by boiling
> them in a pot, or by pouring boiling water into them from a kettle,
> but the oven eliminates all that rather dangerous boiling water from
> the equation.

Pouring boiling water into them from a kettle will get them hot but it
will not sterilize them.
"...all that rather dangerous boiling water"? You're an accomplished
cook, Karen; you can't be trusted around a pot of boiling water?
C'mon, you're funning us!
(If you're going to boil the jars, they need to boil for 10 minutes to
be called sterilized. ).
-Barb, Mother Superior, HOSSSPoJ
Glorified Rice 2-24-2009