On Fri, 27 Feb 2009 16:47:55 -0600, Melba's Jammin'
> wrote:
>In article >,
> "Chris Marksberry" > wrote:
>> Mine arrived yesterday so I will be doing a taste test tonight. What was
>> sent to me was Culantro not Cilantro which I understand is a close relative
>> to cilantro.
>> Chris
>The chef at a neighborhood Vietnamese place occasionally uses culantro.
>I proofread his menu for him and made the correction to cilantro ‹ and
>he said it was not a mistake and showed it to me. I don't notice a
>difference in the taste. Maybe the culantro is a bit milder?
The times I've had it, culantro was stronger flavored. It doesn't
look at all like cilantro either, so I'd be surprised to learn that
the two are related, except for a shared flavor.