Asparagus odour. [Was: The "taste" of cilantro.]
"Phred" > wrote in message
> In article >, blake murphy
> > wrote:
>>On Sat, 28 Feb 2009 07:45:03 -0700, Boulanger wrote:
> [snip]
>>> Isn't it also a matter of genetics wrt ones urine after eating
>>> asparagus?
> [...]>
>>It is believed that both the generation of the odoriferous urine and the
>>ability to smell it are based on genetics. Only those with a certain gene
>>can break down the chemicals inside the asparagus into their smelly
>>components, and only those with the proper gene can smell the results of
>>that chemical breakdown.
My father had urinary bladder cancer that led to an ostomy. The nurse who
gave him discharge instructions SPECIFICALLY told him that eating asparagus
would "give him a urine odor worse than dog ****." Not sure about all the
chemistry, and science, but just my experience, and a couple of peanuts,