DaleW wrote:
> wow, that was opening event? How was main?
A few more people, a few more wines. We'll see how it takes me to get
those notes together...
> 2002 L d'Or
> Always loved, only one left.
That may be one more than I have left. I'll have to check.
> "the ballyhooed '05 Zidarich Vitovska"
> A ballyhooed Vitovska? Who're you listening to???
That was a swipe at Asimov's article a while back.
> Thart's a lotta Jura.
Yep, it was a Jura-centric event, you could say, although 4 out of 30
bottles is still not a huge representation. Last year's event had a
mini-horizontal of '04 Morgons; this year's had an Arboisfest. And it's
totally unplanned! Both years had strong representation of the N Rhone,
as that seems to be a common denominator for the disparate palates
thrown together at this event (this was the 10th annual BTW, and
originally started [I think] on the WS board)
> '99 Gros Frere et Soeur Vosne-Romanée
> Glad this showed well, I;ve had poor luck with producer
Well, it wasn't profound by any stretch, but did seem well-made.
> '06 Otheguy
> New one to me. Producer you know?
Only by name. Perhaps I've heard of him in the WLDG, maybe Tim York?
Just a guess, but Feb was Syrah month on Wine Focus...
> Alas, the '92 Chave Hermitage is gone
> Even sadder than the Conterno. Shoot those B#$tards!
It's the cross I bear for trying to be comprehensive and orderly,
starting with whites and moving into the heavier reds at the end.
Inevitably, some people just gravitate to those heavy reds and *poof*
they vanish. Last year I had Joe Perry to call me over when a bottle
ran low, but this year I was on my own, alas.
> Glad to hear that's doing so well, though I also drank up. I have '01
> and '02 I should probably drink soon,
The '01 is ready to go based on my recent experience with it. The '02
probably has a few more years ahead of it. I've still got a bottle of
the '00 kicking around, too.
> '89 Huet Vouvray Le Haut Lieu Moëlleux
> Sounds great. I have the '89 Le Mont Mllx, hope it's as good.
Should be. Huet doesn't take too many wrong steps with these wines in
my limited experience. I brought a '96 CdB Moëlleux 1er Trie to this
event and it was CORKED! I wasn't best pleased by that showing.
Mark Lipton
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