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Nils Gustaf Lindgren[_1_] Nils Gustaf Lindgren[_1_] is offline
external usenet poster
Posts: 365
Default Question to Ian Hoare

Hello Ian
Obviously, after your exposé I realise that what I make is not confit de
cuisse de canard but something completely different, even if it involves a
duck's leg ...
As for cruel treatmen tof animals, yes, when at home we avoid pork (pigs are
treated disgracefully, apart from tasting of nothing), beef, chicken (with
few exceptions), tending to prefer lamb and game of which we have an ample
supply. Also we do eat fish - but that is dicey to say the least. I would
like to believe that we do the best we can.
As for coming over to your place - it has been on my mind, but I do believe
that it would be difficult (I am not certain where it is, to start with) as
we have already programmed two nights in the Beaune area (including supper
at Ma Cuisine with good friend Jim Tanner) and time is of a certain
I will have to think of a new name for whatever it is I do with duck's leg
and serve with lentille and a Cabernet Franc.

