Thread: Pumpkin Seeds
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Nancy Young
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Default Pumpkin Seeds

Z GIRL wrote:
> My Pumpkin seeds are roasting in the oven as I type. I don't do anything
> special to prepare them. I just clean off all stings,

OMG! They have stings??? How scary is that, maybe I'll throw my
pumpkins at the trick or treaters. (laugh) They really sound good.

> rinse well in a
> strainer and place in a large cookie sheet . I salt them and every 15
> minutes I turn them and add more salt until they are done. I know a lot of
> people are using different seasonings for them now but I like them with
> salt. I cant wait until they are done! I just love this time of year ;-)

Maybe I'll buy one of the ugly pumpkins at the store and use it for
the seeds.
