On Mar 3, 3:50�am, Mike Tommasi > wrote:
> Sri Bodhi Prana wrote:
> > I have a few simple house white wines, but like to try new and on-sale
> > inexpensive wines. Sometimes an inexpensive chardonnay will be too
> > flabby, so I mix it with a little Barefoot Sauvignon Blanc to bring
> > the acid up.
> > I know this is nowhere as sophisticated as what Shelly and Eve mixed
> > up on Northern Exposure to replace Maurice's bottle, but it got me
> > wondering whether anyone else here does this.
> What is Northern Exposure? Is this a local tv series where you live or a
> wine?
> --
> Mike Tommasi - Six Fours, France
> email linkhttp://www.tommasi.org/mymail
It would hard to sum up Northern Exposure in a few lines but it was a
network TV satire/comedy in the early 1990's about a young New York
City bred doctor starting a medical practice in Alaska. Quite funny
and clever in it's time. In a way it expalins a lot about Sarah