Square Root Day 3/3/09
Joseph Littleshoes wrote:??> ??> ??> bulka wrote:??>> I like the idea of people celebrating by eating root vegetables cut??>> into squares, though that might be easier if there were a Cube Root??>> Day. Hmm. Flat, 2-D beets.??>>??>> B.??> ??> ??> ....y = r cubed over 3. And if you determine the rate of change in this ??> curve correctly. Derivative dy = 3 r squared dr over 3, or r squared ??> dr, or r dr r.????High-larious!!!????I have to think what I can eat that is square. I have some??square saltines. I can have cheese and crackers for dinner.??Yeah, that's the ticket.????And I'm starting now to think of what kind of pie to make??on the 14th. I just made a grape pie this weekend so I don't??think I'll do another grape pie. Maybe lemon meringue - I just??found out we can get Meyer lemons here at the Whole Foods store??so I can try them out in a pie. Yeah, that's the ticket.????Kate??-- ??Kate Connally??ÒIf I were as old as I feel, IÕd be dead already.Ó??Goldfish: ÒT
he wholesome snack that smiles back,??Until you bite their heads off.Ó??What if the hokey pokey really *is* what it's all ??