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Lynn from Fargo Ografmorffig Lynn from Fargo Ografmorffig is offline
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Posts: 708
Default Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts

On Mar 3, 8:14*pm, phaeton > wrote:
> I bought a package of boneless skinless chicken breasts- there are 5 of
> them and they make up about 3.34 pounds. *I was intending on trying them
> out in my Foreman Grill one or two at a time as-needed per each meal.
> However, the 'use by' date approaches (tomorrow). *So I might throw them
> in the freezer. *I assume that this will stop the clock for now, but
> once I take them back out and thaw them they'll have about 1 day or so.
> Oar I could cook them all at once. *If I were to put them in a
> foil-lined 13x9 baking pan, dash them with some (dry) adobo seasoning
> and put them in the oven, how hot and how long should I bake them?
> Can this be done with frozen chicken breasts, or no?
> Any other tips are appreciated.
> Thanks
> -J

The Foreman Grill is supposedly quite good for chicken breasts, (So
says my daughter but she can't boil water) They gotta be thawed. I
buy the IQF (Individually Quick Frozen) split boneless breasts that
come in a big 4 lb resealable bag (about $6). No skin no bones no fat
no trimming. Take 'em out one at a time and ziplock the bag again.
Want it thawed? Nuke if a couple of minutes on med. low. Gonna stir
fry it? Nuke it half that long and cut it in chunks or strips. I
suppose you could bake a frozen breast but it's so easy to thaw just
one or two at a time.
Lynn in Fargo