Thread: Fried catfish
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Nancy2 Nancy2 is offline
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Default Fried catfish

On Mar 5, 12:26*am, wrote:
> How do I do simple fried (breaded) catfish? I don't have a deep fryer, Any
> favorite recipes out there? Thanks.

Soak them for a couple hours in salted water to get rid of any
lingering strong fishy taste; rinse off and roll them in a mix of half
cornmeal and half flour - put them in a pan that has been heated with
oil in it - not a lot, just enough to take care of frying one side at
a time. Season with salt & pepper. Fry until brown and crispy on one
side, turn over and do the same on the other side. Thin filets don't
take long to cook through.

You don't need any fancy egg wash, buttermilk, milk or batter - you
don't even need a specific pan. Just use one that can handle hot oil.

Tasty! (I love fried catfish, but refuse to buy farmed fish of any
kind, so I wait for fresh.)
