Kraft Mac & Cheese
My mac & cheese isn't the same twice. I'm always using whatever I have
in the house. My grocery store sells cheese ends and odd ball slices of
assorted cheeses all packed together for next to nothing, so I always
pick up a few packages when I'm making mac & cheese.
Into a pan go all the cheeses, cheddar, swiss, provolone, american, etc.
a cup or two of milk, a couple tbs. of crushed garlic, onion powder and
a healthy squirt of spicy mustard. When melted pour over cooked
macaroni and top with 1/2" cubed leftover bread. Last night I used up
the pumpernicle bread. The bread cubes topping I've been doing since my
home ec class in Jr. High. It adds a lot, especially if you use a
flavored bread like pumpernicle, onion, dill, garlic, etc.
Bake at 35 about 45 minutes.
I've also made sauce with a roux, the traditional way, but I don't find
it necessary, just milk and cheeses work fine.